Like they do in agricultural societies, many Anatolian folk beliefs and rituals aim for synchronization with nature and its change in time. Therefore they are also linked to nonhuman elements (rocks, winds or mysterious *Cemre*s, as well as objects like cleavers and sieves)
When we look at the personal through the lens of o*o*m during the pandemic lockdown, we saw an opportunity to synchronize with nature. We adapted the vernacular folk rituals of Midwinter celebrations and preparations for New Year, to a contemporary practice of self-care and personal change.
*Midwinter Ritual* is a framework and a series of rituals which takes place between midwinter January 31st and the New Year March 21st, in a flexible structure so that it can fit to many types of wishes and resolutions, employing the power objects to initiate, accelerate and reinforce personal change.
see the rituals here